Breaking the Dependency of the Moment

If the current generation cannot appreciate the past, nor comprehend the future, how will we be able to get them to understand what Christianity is all about?

I am constantly amazed at how focused people are on what is going on right now.  The emergence of the internet and more so the smartphone meant that we could know what everyone is doing at the moment, and this has become the new normal for social interaction.  I am sure you have been in a restaurant and seen four people at a table, each one on their phone, making sure they don’t miss out on what is going on beyond their current group.  There have also been instances where teens and young adults have fallen into deep sadness or depression when they find out through social media, that a party or gathering has happened and they were excluded, or worse, someone has posted negatively about them.

Friendships have been quickly destroyed by the transmission of gossip at light speed, and this information seems to never go away.  People feel like they have anonymity to be able to attack any person or idea they don’t approve of, and there is no blow-back.

What is even more interesting is how the internet has given young people the idea that because of access to information, they have somehow become wiser than the older folks – even coining phrases such as OK BOOMER to reflect their lack of patience with us as we try and explain how things really work based on what we have learned over time.  The stories of the Greatest Generation, for example are not important compared to the value of internet influencers!

Bottom line – young people are losing the ability to appreciate history, and while living in the moment they have lost sight of the future.  What is happening right now in the moment is all important.

Now contrast that with the message and strategy of the Bible.  First, the Bible is God’s word, presented as an historical document, but with stories and messages intertwined to allow us to understand God’s purpose for creation and for us.  We read and study to squeeze out the truth, discovering the answers to what remains mystery to others. 

The Bible uses the past to show how we are not able to succeed in finding God’s purpose for us without understanding the need for a Divine Sacrifice.  Jesus’ life, death and resurrection each play a part in determining our future.  The Bible reveals that without Jesus, we really have no future.  Without the Bible, there is only the idea that death is the end, so those who do not spend time to understand the message don’t develop the ability to look beyond today, tomorrow or even to eternity.

We must find a way to break the dependency of the moment, in order to demonstrate the value of learning about the past, and planning for the future.  During this disruptive time with our country, communities and homes we have the chance to make a difference.  I am going to continue posting with ideas and suggestions and want to hear yours as well.


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