Saving the Now Generation

I am worried about this current generation of young adults and children here in the USA.  It is very possible that these young people will be the last to be presented the Word of God in such a broad, mass appeal sort of way.  Without their interest, the teachings of the Bible may just be the words of their parents and grandparents, with little meaning to them.  No matter how much freedom of religion the government allows, it cannot overcome apathy.

Why could this happen?  Consider how much of their time and energy is spent on what is going on right now: the latest internet influencers, the constant barrage of social media and immediate communication.  There is very little room for those thoughts and priorities that provide value in understanding the God directed purpose for their lives.  This generation is so focused on today that they have little appreciation for the past or the future.  We know this is a problem, because as we have read and studied the Bible, we see clearly that the past and the future are critical to directing our present.  Without an interest in knowing about each, the Biblical direction for their lives just isn’t going to show up.

Those of us who have spent our lives around the Bible and the different messages we have been taught from it know that it is a difficult concept to grasp quickly.  Understanding requires investments of time, energy and resources, which as we were growing up were in more abundant supply.  We now must be able to deliver the message of God’s power and grace in a way that overcomes the current lack of interest in looking backwards or forward.

This current pandemic may be the first time many in this new generation have experienced any kind of real setback. For the first time, they cannot do exactly what they want when they want to do it!

We who really want them to see God’s will for their lives have a possible opening as time, energy and resources have all been locked indoors.  Don’t waste this opportunity with your family and friends.  Find ways to get them to slow down and consider the possibilities.  You may never get another chance this significant.

As you read more of these blog posts you will hopefully see stories and strategies for just such a time as this.  Please don’t miss out.


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